
Showing posts from 2006

You're kidding right?

The Human Camera. This is insane! The dude flys over Rome for 45 minutes then draws it almost 100% accuracy:

Wedge Issues 4: Homosexuality

Honestly I don't want to get into a theological discussion on whether being gay is right or wrong, to be honest I don't want to get into the rightness or wrongness of any of my issues .. I just want to change a few Christian's perceptions. Complaining about the wrongness doesn't make it right and is counter-productive. I'm believe I said that when I introduced my wedge issues but I'm re-iterating because this topic stands out above the others as being, somehow, more inflammatory. Frankly, people on both sides of this issue are filled with a lot of hatred and intolerance and I don't really want to be in the middle of that. To that end, the previous statement is the only direct opinion on the subject I'll give in this segment. The rest my dear reader, is for you to decide between yourself and God. So lets discuss the Bible. Most Christians believe the Bible to be the authoritative Word of God (if you don't that's another discussion). The unfortunat...

Wedge Issues 3: Abortion

Sorry for the lack of posts. Its been an insane week. I'm working on a large project plus trying to run my business. It gets a little intense. I love it though, even though I'm not a success yet, I wouldn't trade it for anything :) In today's post I'm going to talk about a very touchy subject with lots of Christians out there: Abortion. I'll be an honest, this one is a little harder to tackle, like most of the other issues its easy to see it in black and white terms and for the longest time I did. However two people who are close to me were sexually assaulted, and while fortunately neither of those resulted in some very hard decisions, it made me take a look at my own views. I'll start with my own views. I believe there are circumstances in which abortion is justified. For convenience I believe its wrong, but may be the lesser of two evils. I'm not Catholic and I disagree with the idea that birth-control itself is wrong. In legal terms all of this makes...

Wedge Issues 2: Evolution, or how I learned to love science and stop putting God in a box

I'm starting with evolution because this one bugs me the most. Back when I was in high school a friend of mine and I sat in biology class. Like biology classes across the country have been for many years we were told to open our books and prepare to learn the theory of evolution. Immediatly I went numb ... the theory of how ameobas became fish and fish turned to apes, and apes turned to into people. My friend and I (being somewhat disruptive 10th graders already) decided to make this an issue. We said in front of the class that evolution was a conspiracy made up by people out to destroy Christianity! We also deliberately failed several papers because we refused to put the demon answers in writing ... either that or it was a good excuse not to do our homework. At any rate its a miracle I passed at all. When I got to college, however ( HSU represent!), I changed my perspective. HSU is a Baptist college and everyone is required to take two semesters of Bible class. Dr. McGraw (and y...

Christians and "Wedge Issues"

Abortion. Gays. Drugs. Evolution. Janet Jackson's nipple. Basically anything that gets Pat Robertson's panties in a twist. As a Christian I have a huge problem with these issues . . . not so much the issues themselves, but their presentation, and the tendency of other members of my faith to get worked into some kind of frenzy over them. I'll get into the specifics of how I personally feel about a variety of issues in later posts. This is more of a general overview of how I think a believer in Christ should approach any issue in which the world feels strongly opposed to our point of view. Its a person's God-Given right to be wrong I strongly believe in the principle of free will. Without free will there would be no sin because we'd all be robots. God wouldn't have people that truly loved him, we'd be programmed to do so. Therefore, when someone tries to impose their will on another human (even with good intentions), I believe its sinful. For Christians its e...

This is the Anti-Blog

I hate the word "blog". I hate it and all of its partners in crime: "blogsphere", "blogger", "photoblog", "iblog", "blogtastic" .... its an unbearable "blogsoup". I could write a whole blog on why I hate the word but that would probably get boring and just as cliche'. No, instead I'll be posting all my other rants. Yes I'm going to be just like the other 40 bazillion whiny blogs out there. So enjoy! :)