Wedge Issues 3: Abortion

Sorry for the lack of posts. Its been an insane week. I'm working on a large project plus trying to run my business. It gets a little intense. I love it though, even though I'm not a success yet, I wouldn't trade it for anything :)

In today's post I'm going to talk about a very touchy subject with lots of Christians out there: Abortion. I'll be an honest, this one is a little harder to tackle, like most of the other issues its easy to see it in black and white terms and for the longest time I did. However two people who are close to me were sexually assaulted, and while fortunately neither of those resulted in some very hard decisions, it made me take a look at my own views.

I'll start with my own views. I believe there are circumstances in which abortion is justified. For convenience I believe its wrong, but may be the lesser of two evils. I'm not Catholic and I disagree with the idea that birth-control itself is wrong. In legal terms all of this makes me pro-choice.

Pro-Choice is not equal to Pro-abortion
In a perfect world people would be smart about sex, hopefully having it within a committed relationship where any resulting children can be cared for an loved but at the very least using protection to prevent pregnancy (among other things) in the first place. In a perfect world there also wouldn't be a such thing as rape, or pregnancy problems.

However its not a perfect world. I'll make it personal. If my own wife was with child and the doctor told us that her life was in danger, first I'd get some more opinions but in the end I'm going to choose my wife. It it sad? Of course! Its a horrible decision and I pray that I never have to make it. But I'm glad I have that option available, because my wife's future is already established and an unborn child's is not. Does that mean that I think people should choose abortion first? Of course not, it should be a last resort.

Abortion as Birth Control

Its wrong. I know its black and white, but there have been ways to prevent pregnancy for a long time, there is lots of information out there. (I'll get to that in a minute). However even though I believe its wrong: in a perfect world when unwanted pregnancy happened we'd have someone ready to adopt the baby and everyone is happy. Unfortunately so many children are born into abusive families, aren't given up for adoption and you have an unwanted neglected child. In such situations the abortion is the lesser evil ... sad.

Christians can put a dent in Abortion

Making it illegal makes it political fodder. More education for children. Most Christians preach about abstinence until marriage. I can agree with that, but we can't just teach abstinence, we have to explain why, and since not all kids will listen, teaching them to protect themselves through other means is important as well. Which is worse a condom or an abortion?

Hopefully by de-politicized it, we can also drop this idea that our children should have full access to abortions with no consent but can't have Tylenol at school. I'll make sure to rant about the PC crowd in a post real soon now.

That's all from cfreak today ... stay tuned to the anti-blog for more rant goodness!


Anonymous said…
Kudos for setting up your comments section.

I am however not going to retype my rebuttle to you obviously heretical view. *evil grin*
cfreak said…
I am however not going to retype my rebuttle to you obviously heretical view. *evil grin*

LAAAAAAAME ... if you're going to attach my view as heretical you better tell me why ;-)

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