Your grandmother will never learn linux and other absurdities

Operating systems are much like religion. Everyone believes they have the right one and no one is willing to even listen to the other side's argument.

Now before I begin I must acknowledge that I'm a multi OS guy. I run Ubuntu Linux on my desktop. Windows XP on my laptop, my wife's desktop also runs XP and she recently aquired a MacBook through her new school. All the servers for Fundi run CentOS (Linux). I prefer CentOS over all of them though Ubuntu is kind of nice for just getting everything going easily.

That said I don't care if people use or even if they like windows. I recommend what I think is the most useful and less fuss. I also don't play a lot of games other than on my Wii so I can completely understand people wanting to use Windows from that standpoint.

However one thing I often here is "Your grandmother (or mom, or sister or other random family member) will never learn Linux". Right ... well let me give you this: Your grandmother can't use windows either.

Seriously, for those of us geeky in nature: how often do our family members ask us for help because their computer crashes, is slow, they can't figure out how to use their web-cam or whatever? How often has granny called you up because she can't figure out how to send an email? How often has dad called because he can't figure out how to connect his new laptop to his wireless network? How many times have you gone home and find that the computer is completely infested with all manner of spy-ware, viruses and general trash?

If you want to talk about the virtues of windows come up with a better reason than "Granny can do it". Because very few grannies can. Nor will they ever be able to.


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