POP! Its God is a Box!

Southern Baptists. Largest Protestant group in the US, masters of putting their collective feet in their collective mouths. We've done a lot of good in the world but more recently were best know for those "HOLY CRAP WHAT ARE THOSE PEOPLE THINKING????" moments.

This one has actually been brewing awhile and the mainstream media has only recently taken notice. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has decided to deny a woman tenure and refuse to renew her contract because ... she's a woman.

Just some background for my readers who aren't privy to politics in a church group. Basically its the same as politics in secular circles but with less money and more, dare I say it, dick waving. Specifically the seminaries (there's more than one, Southwestern I believe is the largest) are controlled by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). SBC has always stated they don't believe in allowing woman pastors. I disagree but I respect their opinion. Its not like they suddenly changed their minds. Well now there is an ultra-conservative movement in the SBC that's basically splitting it a part. These people have decided that woman basically can't do anything spiritual at all. So even though 5 years ago they gave this particular woman her Doctorate and a job on their faculty, they are revoking her contract because of a "lapse in judgment". So basically they believe they are sinning because the evil woman is teaching a man Hebrew.

You heard that right, not theology, not anything spiritual. Hebrew. Of course, according to the article there are woman teachers in other areas such as music and "Woman's studies" (snark: how can they understand the Bible, they are just mere women?). Doubtlessly these will be removed soon as well, and it wouldn't even surprise me if they stopped admitting women as students since they are obviously not ordained by God.

So sarcasm aside lets review. SBC believes that woman teaching men is a sin. But to them I say what about the other sin you just committed? I think it was pretty clear in Exodus .. you know the part about "THOU SHALT NOT LIE". I believe Jesus had a few choice words about to say about lying as well. He also had some choice words to say about hypocrisy and about being "lukewarm".

Sadly its another example of God in a Box. We pull out the Bible, we find a passage that suits our desires. We turn the crank, out pops "God" to deliver his decree. Nevermind that God can use anyone, nevermind that there are countless examples of woman being used by God. Take a look at Ruth, Esther, Mary the mother of Jesus, Rahab ... I could go on and on. Where would we be as Christians if some man had to approve their spiritual callings first? Would the president of the SBC listen to Mary the mother of Jesus when she said she carried the Savior of the world? Or would he brush her off as a "silly woman". Sadly I'd bet on the latter.

I've always been a member of SBC churches. I like a lot of things about them and I know a lot of good people who attend them and truly make a difference. But things are going very badly for my own witness when stuff like this comes up. People believe that Christians, and especially Baptists are ignorant, bigoted, racist fools. How can a Christian deny it when our own leaders act this way?

On its own the SBC is doomed. Stupid decisions like this one only serve to further fracture an already cracking organization. And I'm torn. I'm tired of my witness being harmed by the people who are supposed to be living a life of love, I'm supposed to loyal to Christ not an organization. At the same time I pray that somehow God will turn the SBC around and cause us to remember what is truly important and to stop telling God what he can and cannot do. I pray that more people will stand up in their own churches and end this nonsense. I pray that people will stand up in defense of this professor and demand a formal apology from those that made this decision.


Anonymous said…
I left the whole denominational thing because of crap like this. They are so far from the truth, it is ridiculous. I am sure that Paul was joking when he wrote:

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28

The last church we went to was SBC. We were wanting to start a contemporary service and went to them for support, since they were a church. Their response had me dazed for days:

"You can have a contemporary service if it is on Saturdays. We don't want you to COMPETE with the Sunday morning service."

I guess I was just blind to this in High School. At any rate, sorry for the rant. Love ya bro.
Starrlett said…
Wow, I was so glad to read this. Sometimes I hesitate to post about topics like this one, because I don't want to offend/scare-off my Christian pals.... but you really captured the situation spot-on.

Way to go, man!

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