The Horrors of Becoming a Parent (so I hear)

***Warning: Rant Ahead ***

I admit, I get frustrated and annoyed easily, so for my blog I've really tried hard not to express my whiny personal opinions as truth like every other blog out there ... this is the anti-blog after-all! But at some point even the anti-blogger has a breaking point ... so here it is.

To the people of earth in general:


Specifically the things I've recently heard:

First its, "The doctors are often wrong about the baby's gender", or "My brother's former roommate's cousin's daughter in-law had a baby they thought was a boy and it turned out to be a girl and they were so mad and they had to return all the blue stuff" ... blah blah blah.

One woman actually (in a very rude manner) told us how we were "so naive" and that God could change his mind if he wanted to. Well you know what lady? You can look at the photos and see his little baby PENIS right in there. (Yes she saw them).

What is it with people who have such a mistrust of science that they can't even believe a trained doctor and their own eyes? God gave us those abilities too, ya know.

Secondly its all the labor stories. The botched circumcisions, the epideral (I have no idea how to spell that) that didn't work. The woman that didn't know she was in labor and almost plopped the kid in the toilet ...

Then the countless stories of how the toddlers misbehave, or they get some horrible disease, etc. etc. etc.

Just stop it! Thanks :)


Starrlett said…
I second this heartily. The human race, as a general rule, is shockingly rude.

And, sadly, often it's the people closest to us who are the rudest. What's the question *I* keep rudely being asked? "When are you guys going to have kids, anyway?"

#1 How is that your business?
#2 Maybe I don't want kids. Maybe I don't even *know* if I want kids or not. Maybe I'm so busy at work every day that pondering my impending 30th birthday next year drives me nuts.
#3 Don't tell me my biological clock is ticking. Like I need any further pressure. This includes comments from parents.
#4 And the best reason of all not to ask this question: what if I'm actually trying to get pregnant? What if we'd been trying for two years and going through hell trying? Did you ever think about that? Maybe if you asked if we were ever going to have kids, and I was in this situation, I wanted to curl up and cry because of it.

So... yeah. I hear you. People suck. :)

(And for the record--no, we're not trying--I'm strongly on question #2 and #3 at the moment.)
Amanda said…
I couldn't agree more! And, sadly, the unwanted advice/opinions/stories don't stop after the baby comes.

And it only gets worse if you're a homebirthing, cloth diapering, non-vaccinating, co-sleeping, homeschooling family. :)

For what it's worth...I don't have much faith at all in the medical community, but that baby is a boy. No two ways about it! ;)


P.S. Caedmon was supposed to be a girl! HA!
cfreak said…
Amanda: I don't have much faith at all in the medical community

Your choice of course, but remember that God gave the doctor's the ability!

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