Update on the Baby

We had another sonogram yesterday. Our baby is a boy :-), and he's doing great!

Here's a preview:And you can find several more images on our photo gallery page


Anonymous said…
So what is the count down for when you lose all hope of ever sleeping again?
cfreak said…
Don't scare me Kevin :).

Baby is due on Sept 29.
Starrlett said…
Yay!!! So glad you posted an update; I was wondering how things were going. Hooray for the male child--thy last name shall live on. ;)

I'm really enjoying your blog, btw. Aaand I just got you and Jen's BYA applications in the mail (I'm on the BYA membership committee)--so glad you guys are applying!!! Woohoo!

We're going to be in Abilene this weekend for graduation, actually, because of BYA. Alex is on the Young Alumni Task Force, which is hosting a post-grad table with goodies and such. We're going to wear those spiffy purple polo shirts. :D

Give my best to your wife and her tummy-lodger!

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