In a departure from my normal ranting and raving: I'd like to annouce that my wife and I are expecting our first child. Early in October we'll have a crying, pooping dribbling thing to take care of :). Okay so babies are cute though. I've never been a real fan of kids but I'm already starting to realize that ones own children are somehow less disgusting and annoying than the normal ones. I'm actually very happy about it :). Of course I'm a little nervous too. How does one take care of another human without the little guy or girl (we don't know yet) needing years of therapy after they are grown and out of the house? I suppose I get to learn! A small rant since it wouldn't be the Anti-Blog without it. We are NOT naming our kid some kind of trendy yuppy soccer mom name. This would include any name with a long "i" sound and then spelled some ridiculous way. Skylar? Jordyn? Kytlyn? Can I buy a vowel? (yes we knew parents who named their children ...
Okay so I've been gone quite awhile, busy with the little one and the business and a million other things that have been going on. I've heard from a few of you in the past months and I must say I'm surprised that there are a number of people who actually care what I rant about. :) Today is something I've had on my mind for awhile as a wedge issue but I haven't been so sure how to approach it. "The End of the World" (i'll get to the prophesies and signs in a moment). Now I know you may be thinking "why this?" when there is so much else going on in the world, elections, recessions, lots of other teeth grinding stupidity to rant about, and I agree: this may not be a real "wedge issue" in the classic sense. However, even though the Christian establishment isn't pushing this one on the public with some sort of political agenda, there are discussions of it among even mostly rational people both in the Christian community and the gene...
Lots in the news about abortion again lately and it was not my intent to comment again. If you've not read the Anti-Blog before you should probably check out my earlier post about my own views of abortion. National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day is apparently right around the corner. I knew nothing about this until I heard it on the radio this past week. Certainly people wishing to do this have every right to express their views. I also harbor no ill-will against any person who considers themselves to be pro-life. I understand the point of view and for the most part I agree with it, again for my views read my previous post :). That said I think there is a real problem with this kind of action. Specifically it rails on what you are against and offers no solution to the underlying problems. So I'll offer some: free birth control to prevent the problem in the first place. Education and mentors for people in poor families (costs money) where most of these problems occur. To help prevent t...